Things to avoid, if you want to be successful as a young man😎

You need to avoid these things if you want to be successful as a young man.
The journey to success is not an easy journey, many sacrifices are required. In this day and age, we tend to want things fast. As an upcoming man who wants to be successful, you need to sacrifice many things but two things are the most definite for you since there are the other of the day.


You need to avoid these things if you want to be successful as a young man.
Truthfully, there’s no single secret hack that will make you successful overnight. However, there are certain proactive measures you can take in your career that can help you streamline your journey toward success.

Below are those two things that are still keeping you where you are

1.   Partying, drinking and excess pleasure

Many youths and young men spend most of their time pursuing these instead of their dreams and future. Sacrificing your dreams for instant pleasure is one of the hardest thing you can do in the early stages of your life. Young men who drink and party too much find it difficult to save money and have plans for their future. those who party a lot always waste their valuable time. As a young man trying to be successful, be a slave to your destiny in your 20s and live your life as a king for the rest of your life. Instant gratification does not pay in the long term. It is better to deprive yourself of these now and enjoy in the future than to enjoy now and suffer tomorrow.

2.  Womanizing
This is something most people cannot give up on and spend most of their valuable time and the little money they have chasing.

As a man in the initial stage of your career and wanting to be successful, this is the first thing to give up on as this cannot help you or add nothing to your life nor contribute to your future. The truth is no girl will chose a guy who is broke and has no potential for a responsible and successful guy. This might not pay in the short term, but in the long term, it pays.

Some go to the extent of spending their little savings and income on women which adds little or no benefits to their life. At a young age of your career you are not to waste your valuable time following women.

When it comes to marriage, those women go to men who are settled and you will be left alone discovering you have wasted your time all these while. Just focus on your career , build yourself to be responsible and you will see those women you are chasing coming after you

My advice to most guys who want to be successful out there is to avoid these two things and you will see how God will see you through.
